Friday, March 23, 2012


The boys say things that are just hilarious and I always forget to write it down to remember. Not this time.

We were driving home last night after picking the kids up from grandma's house. I whispered to Jim that Tyler had not pooped in a couple of days. Tyler must have super hearing. He whispered back to us "Mom said poop". It was just one of those funny moments to look back on. Kids do say the darnedest things.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today we hit a huge milestone. Riley rode his bike without training wheels. Yea!!!!! The boys are growing up so fast. Riley is almost 6 already OMG!!!!! And Tyler is almost 4, getting ready to go to pre-k and everything.
The boys surprise me all the time. Today Riley picked up a book to bring in the car and just started reading it For Fun. Most of the time we read because of his Kindergarten required reading, but not today. He has come a long way and is blossoming into a good student thanks to my guidance he he he. He has taken to the series Fly Guy. Whatever floats his boat!

I see ice cream in his future tonight.

Welcome Spring

I had a very productive day today. We decided to go to the Yellow River Game Ranch in Lilburn. I love feeding the deer and other animals. We also took a drive out to the Dekalb farmer market. I wanted to stock up on spices and browse around. I don't think I ever want to go back on a Saturday but I got what I went for. And into the afternoon I picked up the soda on sale at CVS, great deal on 12 pk coke products. Then onto Ace Hardware for some flowers which I then planted in my pots when I got home. The day isn't even over yet but I am welcoming spring with open arms. There is something about the sun shining that makes everything ok. It is a bit warm for my taste already, but it is nice to go out without bundling up in heavy jackets.